Have you taken down your Christmas decorations too soon?

What are YOU celebrating this Christmas?

Earthquakes, floods and famine – “There but for the grace of God go I”

The recent tragedies in Morocco and Libya have been truly heartbreaking. With 3000 people dying as a result of the Moroccan earthquake, and the possibility of 20,000 people dying in the Libyan floods, the amount of human suffering is hard to imagine or comprehend. It’s no wonder that many traumatised victims, trying to make sense of things and come to terms with their grief, have been recorded by journalists as simply saying ‘It’s the will of God’ or ‘Allah wills it’, which leaves the rest of us safely looking on from the comfort of our homes thinking, ‘well, thank God I wasn’t caught up in that’ or ‘there but for the grace of God go I’. But now, of course, the difficult questions arise! Why aren’t buildings built to be more earthquake resilient, and why aren’t dams which are known to be faulty immediately repaired? Surely a lot more lives could have been saved if only they had been. Perhaps part of the problem is a fatalistic mindset, which encourages people to believe that certain tragedies are an ‘act of God’ and ‘what will be will be’. If this is your attitude, then why should you bother learning from your mistakes or from tragedy, because effectively all responsibility is taken out of your hands and left in the hands of the divine. But this isn’t a biblical perspective, because despite the fact that the world is imperfect (as so clearly demonstrated by recent events) God cares! “The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all that he has made” (Psalm 145.9). So, instead of thinking that God is aloof, uncaring or absent, we should think of him as being deeply concerned and hands on, working through the kind and compassionate words and deeds of those who act in his name and struggle to bring assistance and relief to the needy. In a sense, this mirrors the Gospel itself, for God has always sought to step into the world rather than step out of or away from it. This is most ably demonstrated in the person of Jesus, who taught his disciples to love God and their neighbour as themselves and who by his death, demonstrated a selfless love for the world so that it might be renewed, restored and forgiven of sin. Although we might tend to think ‘there but for the grace of God go I’ when it comes to earthly tragedies, in the light of sin the Gospel message might be summed up in the words ‘there but for the grace of God, goes God’ achieving for us something that we couldn’t possibly achieve for ourselves.

So, in the face of calamity, whether it be at home or abroad, let us hold on to the fact that God’s love and compassion is with us, and echo and demonstrate it in our own thoughts, words and deeds.

Easter joy, hope & life everlasting!

I’m sure most of you can understand me, when I say that ‘I love my life and all that goes with it, my wife, my children, my family and friends along with all the other joys that sustain me, making my life comfortable, satisfying and fulfilling. Not forgetting the benefits of our society and the beauty of the countryside. In all these things we are so very fortunate’ – and I’m sure that many of you would agree and say something similar!

But sadly you don’t have to look very hard before you notice that the world in which we live is far from perfect. The terrible war in Ukraine is an obvious example. “You can rebuild Mariupol,” says one BBC headline, “but you can’t bring back the dead”. Sadly, this is true and although we don’t like to talk about it, death is a daily reality for many people around the world, whether it be through the deliberate and wilfully malicious actions of others culminating in war, or by natural means, disaster, sickness and disease, or poverty. Death is awful! This is why so many Christians have for generations, taken comfort from the famous words of the twenty-third psalm:

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me; your rod and staff, they comfort me.” (Psalm 23.4).

The ‘rod and staff’ mentioned here remind us of the opening verse which states that, ‘The Lord is my shepherd’. Christians take heart in the fact that not only had Jesus described himself as being ‘the good shepherd’ who cares for them even in the dark places of life, but that he is also their shepherd, the one ‘who lays down his life for the sheep’ (John 10.11). Therefore, Christ can identify with us not only in the joys of life but also in the painful experience of death – AND YET THIS IS NOT THE END – for in him we meet with someone who can lead us through it!

The Bible explains how God ‘so loved the world’ that in the person of Jesus he stepped into it, and having taught his disciples about how God loved the world, he demonstrated it by willingly submitting to death upon the cross, taking upon himself the terrible consequences of all our sin which by rights should separate us from such a holy and loving God for ever. His love for us took him to the cross and his death achieved for us our salvation, atonement and forgiveness. All we need to do is put our faith and trust in him and with grateful hearts say, ‘thank you – I believe’. BUT THIS IS NOT THE END for not only does Christ’s death upon the cross achieve for us our salvation, but it also bestows upon us life everlasting! No, this is not mere fantasy or make believe! It’s based upon the solid evidence of the resurrection and the eye-witness statements of people who were actually there! As Richard Bauckham observes, ‘all of our ordinary hopes are defeated by death, but in the resurrection of Christ, God has defeated death and we have a hope that is everlasting’.   So whenever we are tempted to lose heart as we look at the sadnesses of the world or find ourselves walking through dark valleys, let us find both strength and comfort in the one who is not only with us by his Spirit, but through his life, death and resurrection offers us joy, hope and life everlasting.

Alleluia Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Alleluia.

Can we afford to celebrate Christmas?

The greatest gift of all: The birth of Jesus Christ

I’m writing this letter the day before Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his Chancellor Jeremy Hunt reveal their Autumn Statement, and many people are wondering about how they will be affected by their policies. The three wise men may have been able to afford their extravagant gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, but for many the ‘cost of living’ crisis currently fuelled by higher energy prices, high inflation and fewer resources has meant that Christmas is rapidly losing its sparkle. A recent survey suggests that 42% of people are worried about how they will pay for Christmas this year compared to previous years and the media is full of sad stories and advice on how people can make ends meet. Martin Lewis, the Money Savings Expert states that most people start from the wrong place; “They have a perfect Christmas pictured in their mind of everything that they want and exactly how it is going to be, and then they try and work out how they can do it. Please don’t do that. That’s likely to lead to debt and disappointment. Decide on how much you are going to spend on Christmas this year and stick to it.”

The Christian will be aware that although presents are nice, Christmas is not really about presents at all, but about a God who loved the world so much that he freely stepped out of the majesty of heaven, becoming as the ‘Son of God’ a man born in Bethlehem to poor parents. He did this, so that we ‘as poor as we are’ might get to know him in a deeper, better and more profound way, trusting that his love, (ultimately demonstrated for us by his death on the cross) might not only lead to our salvation and the forgiveness of our sins but offer us a better, brighter and more positive future, for as the Apostle Paul once said ‘for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich’ (2 Corinthians 8.9).

Yes, the wise men may have offered Jesus expensive gifts as part of their worship, but in truth Christmas is really all about God’s good gift in Christ to us – and so on his birthday, what might he want most of all? An expensive lavish present? Not at all! He simply wants to be your friend as you put your faith and trust in him.

It’s a gift that grows with the receiving, each day becoming more and more satisfying as we come to appreciate and learn just what God has done for us in the person of Christ.

It is my hope that you will all have a really lovely Christmas with your respective families and friends, but not allow the finances to get in the way of your celebrations, but simply rejoice in each other’s company as God in love and ‘in Christ’ rejoices in you.

May I on behalf of my family and all the parishes I represent wish you all a very happy Christmas and a worry free, peaceful new year.  

What can I give him, poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd I would bring a lamb;
if I were a wise man I would do my part;
yet what I can I give him – give my heart.

From ‘In the bleak mid winter’ by Christina Rossetti

Cultivating a generous heart this harvest

There can be little doubt that the ‘cost of living’ crisis is upon us. The continuing war in Ukraine, soaring energy costs and climate change (as demonstrated by the recent heatwave) have all had a devasting effect upon wholesale prices leading to a sharp rise in inflation. The impact of all this for those with limited incomes is enormous – how can the poorest and most vulnerable in society possibly feed themselves and manage their daily existence? Farmers too are struggling to ‘feed the nation’ as the lack of rain stunts their crops and forces them to feed precious winter supplies to their animals in the height of summer. Never have we been so eager and pleased to pray for rain!

However, imagine what it is like for those in poorer countries. Tearfund reminds us that 18 million people are desperately short of food in East Africa, for not only have they been impacted by the lack of grain coming out of Ukraine, but they haven’t had any significant rain for at least four years. The land is therefore parched, and malnutrition is widespread. Oxfam’s International Executive, Gabriela Butcher, said that “competing priorities” have meant that as the world’s attention is on the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, East Africa is simply not on its agenda, meaning that it is missing one of the greatest crises ever known.

Nepal is another poor country in need. Landlocked between India and China, more than 85 per cent of its population relies upon subsistence farming to feed their families, but climate change has meant that often people go hungry as their crops fail resulting in whole communities withering away.

This is why we at All Saints Necton have decided to support Tearfund, who have worked in both East Africa and Nepal for many years, as our harvest charity this year. They are teaching farmers new techniques to help them produce more crops in this changing climate; how to set up better irrigation systems to make people less dependent on the rains, and finally how to farm sustainably, protecting the land for future generations. Please join us for our harvest service – as in previous years our cash donations will go to our harvest charity (Tearfund) and we encourage you to bring dry provisions that will go to our local food bank.

Yes, our current circumstances may well be difficult, but if anything, this harvest should encourage us all to be a little more appreciative and to give thanks for what we do have – and be even more mindful, compassionate and understanding of those who have less.

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

1 Timothy 2.1–2

God bless The Queen

Queen Elizabeth II leaves after attending the opening ceremony of the sixth session of the Senedd in Cardiff. Picture date: Thursday October 14, 2021.

“I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service… But I shall not have strength to carry out this resolution alone unless you join in it with me, as I now invite you to do: I know that your support will be unfailingly given. God help me to make good my vow, and God bless all of you who are willing to share in it.”

Princess Elizabeth, 21st April 1947

These words spoken four years before King George VI died on 6th February 1952, show how greatly aware the young Princess Elizabeth was of her role and life as the nations’ future Queen. You could say that these words were spoken not only in anticipation of that event, but to prepare the nation that one day it would eventually come (as we are seeing similar signs today), and when it did, the young princess immediately became Queen at the age of 25, although her Coronation wasn’t until 2nd June 1953. Although it hasn’t always been easy, the Queen has remained a faithful servant to the United Kingdom and its citizens, gaining huge respect, here and abroad, and especially so in her role as the head of the Commonwealth. On the 6th February 2022, she became the first British Monarch to reign for 70 years and we will celebrate her Platinum Jubilee at the beginning of June – what a wonderful achievement!

Of course, over the past 70 years our nation has seen immense change, in terms of medical, technological and societal advances, and our economy has sometimes had to take the rough with the smooth, but in all that time the Queen has been a steadfast constant and stabilising influence, comforting many who had lived with her through the war years, and demonstrating how it is possible to embrace the future with a quiet and confident optimism. Her mature and majestic example has been a great source of inspiration and admiration both to world leaders and members of the general public.

No doubt, alongside her late husband Prince Philip, the Queen has been greatly sustained by her Christian faith which she has spoken about more naturally and openly in recent years, most notably through the broadcast of her Christmas messages. Her royal upbringing and personal faith in Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour has not only enhanced her sense of duty, but given her a greater understanding of Christian service and a better perspective of what is truly worthwhile and of lasting value.

As we collectively say ‘thank you’ to Her Majesty for 70 years of loyal service, may her life continue to be an example and encouragement to us all. May God bless the Queen!

Lord of our lives and Father of all, let our thanksgiving prove itself in service to you and to our Queen, our country and one another, for your Name’s sake. Amen.

Prayer of Dedication from the Silver Jubilee Year

Easter hope in the midst of conflict!

Ukranian Easter Egg

I write this letter on the day that President Zelensky of Ukraine spoke to the US Congress, thanking them for their help but also appealing for them to do more, most notably the establishment of a no-fly zone, ‘closing the sky’. Whatever we may think about the prudence of such an action, the disappointment from a Ukrainian point of view is easy to understand. This war has generated a huge wave of emotion in us all, whether it be a profound shock and disbelief that it could happen in the first place; to anger and despair as we witness the appalling suffering; to quiet admiration at the courage & stoicism of the people as they resourcefully defend their country; coupled with a huge amount of sadness, pity and compassion for the people who have suffered and lost so much. Yet at the same time we admire the extraordinary acts of kindness and generosity of surrounding nations as they open their hearts and their homes to take care of refugees and provide medical and humanitarian assistance where they can.

In the face of so much suffering, it would be easy to lose heart and lose faith wondering – just where precisely, is God is in all this? But of course, God is at work in the hearts of all those who are trying to look after their loved ones and those less fortunate than themselves. He’s in the compassion of doctors and nurses, trying to save lives and bind up the wounded. He’s in the voice of Russian protesters who are trying to speak truthfully to their neighbours in the light of false propaganda. He’s in the massive effort of governments, humanitarian agencies and charities all trying to act as one to relieve suffering and promote peace. Not forgetting to mention those who literally put themselves in harm’s way while trying to protect others. Finally, he’s in all our tears and prayers as we determine together that there must be a better way of being and living life.

Indeed, the Christian will recall that it is for this better way of life that Jesus came. His message was constantly about how we should ‘love God and our neighbour as ourselves’ (Matthew 19.19). In fact, it was precisely because we were so bad at doing this, wishing to promote our own agenda and thinking that we knew better than God, that sin came into the world in the first place, resulting in pain, suffering and death. But Jesus’ death upon the cross was the start of God putting things right, for when we recognise that the death he died, he died for us, and put our faith and trust in him as our Lord and Saviour, then we are forgiven our sins and given the chance to start again. But of course, Christ’s death is not the end of the story, for Christ’s divinity is demonstrated not only by the way he died, but by the way he rose again! The resurrection is therefore the basis of our Christian Easter hope, giving us, by faith, not only the strength to meet the challenges of today, but also a sure and certain hope for all eternity. May this be a real source of peace and comfort to each of us as we continue to demonstrate the love that God has for us in the way that we live and treat one another.  

Happy Easter to you all.                 

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Colossians 3.15

A Prayer for Ukraine

God of peace and justice,
we pray for the people of Ukraine today.
We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons.
We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow,
that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them.
We pray for those with power over war or peace,
for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions.
Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear,
that you would hold and protect them.
We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.

Archbishop Justin Welby
Archbishop Stephen Cottrell

When war is looming, it’s essential that we act with wisdom, integrity & prayer!

As I write this letter, the West is becoming increasingly alarmed by the number of Russian troops gathering on the borders of Ukraine. President Putin has repeatedly said that Russia has no intention of invading Ukraine, and his government has repeatedly accused the West of ‘histrionics’. In fact, hopes raised by President Putin’s recent statement that the Kremlin has authorised a partial withdrawal of its forces were quickly dashed by NATO’s chief, Jens Stoltenberg who insisted that satellite imagery showed no evidence of such a withdrawal, in fact, strategically, quite the reverse. This was swiftly followed by Liz Truss our own foreign secretary urging the West at a press conference in Kyiv, to ‘wise up’ in its dealings with Russia.

She no doubt has a point – when war is looming, and peoples’ lives are at stake it is beholden upon all of our national leaders to act with prudence, wisdom and caution. Concerns that Russian information might be misleading or that their tacticians might be engineering a so called ‘false flag’ provocation to justify a military invasion of Ukraine are as shocking as they are deceitful. This is why the West must ensure that it acts with wisdom and integrity, powerfully speaking to those who threaten harm, and with care to those who are in harm’s way. Every nation has the right to defend itself, but the engagement of warfare should always be a last resort.

The Christian will be aware that although Jesus commanded his disciples ‘to love your neighbour as yourself’ (Matthew 19.19), he also commanded them to ‘love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you’ (Matthew 5.44). This is not a soppy, sentimental, ‘wishy-washy’ sort of love, but a love that allows the individual to keep a clear head and a clear perspective, not allowing oneself to descend into a mindless anger or hatred. Let’s pray that our national leaders will continue to act with as much tact and diplomacy as they can muster to encourage peace and deter the minds of those who might be tempted to go to war out of greed and evil self-interest.    

    “Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” Romans 12.17-21


Since writing this initial post, Russia has invaded Ukraine, we therefore continue to pray for the people of Ukraine, and trust that they will not only be able to endure this ordeal with integrity and courage, but that the Western nations will do all that they can to ease their suffering, confront aggression and promote peace.

Remembrance Sunday – Are we in danger of forgetting?

Later this month we will be observing Remembrance Sunday, the annual occasion when we as a nation can come together to mark and remember with gratitude all those who gave their lives serving their country throughout two world wars and other conflicts. This simple act of remembrance is supposed to encourage us to strive for peace as we appreciate the incredible cost of war and the damage that it does to all concerned. Yet it seems as if the world in which we live is more fragile than ever, not only in terms of the environment marked by the COP26 climate conference, but by the volatile nature of world relations. Although we may have got used to the almost routine launching of missiles by North Korea over the seas of South Korea, the world was shocked by the belief that China had launched a hypersonic missile that flew around the world at five times the speed of sound. Senator Lindsey Graham said, “If in fact, the Chinese have developed a hypersonic missile that can deliver a nuclear weapon, it’s a military game-changer when it comes to nuclear forces – God help us all”.  “We have no idea how they did this,” another US intelligence official is quoted as saying. Despite the fact that the Chinese may simply be developing their space technology and that respective nations are still seeking investment and wishing ‘to do business’ with China, the International Institute for Strategic Studies has concluded that its global ambitions are clear, for in terms of tonnage, China has launched more submarines and warships than any other nation, equivalent to the entire Royal Navy every four years.

And yet, as recent events in Afghanistan remind us, military take overs by dictatorial regimes do not always lead to greater freedoms, security, prosperity or peace. We seem to be in danger of forgetting ourselves and the terrible cost of war and hostility. Surely, the heart of the problem is the problem of the human heart! – especially when people, countries and nations seek to manipulate, gain control and take advantage of those around them. The Christian will be mindful of the words of Jesus, who reminded the crowds that “out of men’s hearts, come evil thoughts, .. theft, murder, .. greed, .. arrogance and folly” (Mark 9.21-22). The recent death of Sir David Amess was a tragedy, but his family were absolutely right when they called for a change of heart. “Our hearts are shattered,” they said. “We ask people to set aside their differences and show kindness and love to all”. Jesus had said something similar when he had commanded his disciples “to love each other as I have loved you” (John 15.9). Loving like this requires a real change of heart, mind and perspective; one that does not seek to simply better oneself, but puts the other person first so that collectively we might all live better lives of freedom, love, joy and peace. These are the goals, values and ambitions that we should strive for and those that previous generations fought so hard to protect at great cost. So let us all take a moment to come together this Remembrance Sunday – ‘lest we forget’.  


Be careful … that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Deuteronomy 4.9